Vibrant Wellness Test

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Having Digestive Problems? You Need To Read This

Testing for Food, Wheat and Gluten Sensitivity May Be the Step Towards Feeling Better

You’ve been noticing that you feel pretty awful after you eat certain things. Maybe you’ve asked friends. Perhaps you even asked Doctor Google (don’t worry, you’re not actually dying). The information you’ve found is contradictory and confusing. The most common advice you’re getting is to go on a severely restrictive diet. They tell you to eliminate a huge list of foods to figure out which foods are the real culprits.

But even that idea is confusing and downright disheartening. Where do you even start? And how long do you have to continue with the boring foods that are left?

What if a simple test could pinpoint the real culprits and help you on your way towards healing faster?

If you scour the internet, you’ll find a multitude of tests. You’ll find comments saying how wonderful they are and the detailed results they provide. But right after these comments, you will see studies and articles detailing how false the results are. They don’t lead to true healing.

So if these tests don’t work, where do you turn?

Most food sensitivity testing only checks for Immunoglobulin G (IgG) reactivity. That’s only part of the picture. We use tests that measure both IgA and IgG reactions. This helps present a more complete picture of what is going on in your body. Because we test IgA antibodies, it gives us added information about foods that may be causing mucosal damage.

What is mucosal damage?

The National Center for Biotechnology Information states, “The gastrointestinal mucosal barrier plays an essential role in the separation of the inside of the body from the outside environment.” (1)

Essentially, mucosal damage is when the barrier is injured that keeps the outside environment (like food you eat) from the inside of your body. Your intestinal barrier might have holes or cracks where partially digested food and other toxins may leak through.


When this leakage happens, it can cause or lead to a whole host of problems. Some symptoms include:

chronic bloating, constipation or diarrhea
being confused
problems concentrating
skin issues, including acne, rashes or eczema
pain in your joints
widespread inflammation

Another challenge that can come with this damage is nutrient deficiency. Sometimes the nutrients aren’t properly absorbed from the food you eat. This leads to further health concerns. It’s even more true for those with Celiac Disease, as the villi in their guts are damaged.

Wheat/Gluten Testing

Wheat and gluten sensitivity are becoming more recognized in the medical community. With that comes a need for accurate testing to identify the people who are affected. If you only test for wheat and gluten sensitivities at the antibody level, you’re not getting all the information you need. That testing doesn’t provide the sensitive information you need to help treat the underlying issues.

The test we use goes a step further – it delves into the peptide level.

This test can capture indications of antibodies that may show intestinal barrier problems. Our test will note the peptides that show autoimmune reactions that are being triggered in your body.

Some foods are thought to be cross-reactive with gluten and this can skew other tests. Testing at the peptide level avoids this concern. Peptides in foods are very specific to the food they come from. This means the immune system cannot confuse them with another food protein so you get the specific, accurate information you need.

Testing for food sensitivities can help target the foods you most need to eliminate or rotate in order to heal your intestinal barrier. No more guessing, and you only cut out the foods your body is reacting to.

We test for antibodies of up to 180 commonly-eaten foods and can tell the severity of the reaction. Your results can help determine how long you need to eliminate these foods so you can heal.

Usually, removing the foods that cause antibody reactions in your body will help or even clear the symptoms. You remove the source of inflammation and your body can do its job of healing you.

Ready to feel better?

Ready to feel better? Let’s talk about food, wheat and gluten sensitivities to see if testing is the next step to get you feeling better. Click below to schedule your appointment.

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