MLS Laser Therapy
Manage Pain. Reduce Inflammation. Restore Mobility.
MLS Laser Therapy is the use of specific wavelengths of light to ease chronic and acute pain, and to speed healing.
How Does It Work?
Light energy enters the damaged cells and stimulated intercellular activity. This reduced pain in the area and speeds recovery of the damaged cells. Once the cells recover, the healing process is complete.
Treatments take around 15-20 minutes each and are completely painless, and comfortable. The laser can painlessly penetrate up to 2 1/2 inches deep and generates no heat. There are no known harmful side effects.
Laser therapy was cleared by the FDA in 2002 and is currently being used by a variety of medical specialites, and sports teams nationwide. It stimulates the cells to remove toxins, like histamine and cytokine, and allows oxygen and food loads into the cells.
Schedule Your Appointment!
Are you ready to become your healthiest self? Contact us today to schedule your appointment with our clinical health specialists!
Clinic Hours
Mon - Thur 9AM - 5PM
Fri - Sun CLOSED
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