Empower Your Health with A Balanced Nutrition

Clinical Nutrition Therapy

Good nutrition happens when we provide all the nutrients we need in adequate amounts and in a form the body can absorb and utilize. Much of what we need to achieve good nutrition is acquired from the food we eat, but increasingly, nutritional supplements are required to keep us healthy amid the stresses and circumstances of our lives, including environmental pollution, excessive food refinement, loss of sleep, exhaustion, emotional strain, dieting, and illness.

Understanding the Difference Between Diet and Nutrition

Diet vs. Nutrition

Nutrition Works provides valuable insights into the connection between diet and nutrition. Diet refers to our food and drink choices, while nutrition is about how our body processes and utilizes these choices for our health. Our mission is to help you understand how your body uses the foods you consume and to help you make informed choices to support your optimal health.

Nutrition Works

Healthcare Burden

Over 50% of Americans are dealing with weight issues, costing the healthcare system a hefty 100 billion dollars per year.

Nutritional Gap

A striking 50% of Americans, especially those over 55, struggle with nutritional deficiencies, affecting their overall health.

Life-Changing Diet

A shift in your diet can lead to a longer and healthier life. Being knowledgeable about your food choices is essential for aging well.
The Power of Nutrition in Disease Prevention

Enhance Your Life Quality with Nutrition Works

Nutritional deficiency is one of the basic reasons for aging and disease. The Surgeon General’s Nutrition and Health Report of 1998 stated that 68% of all deaths (2-3 million per year) are nutrition related. Embracing good dietary and supplemental nutrition increases our chances of preventing or postponing many of the diseases that can so negatively impact our quality of life such as heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, and others. Good nutritional support can often provide the foundation for successful treatment.

If you are not starving yourself, can you be nutritionally deficient?

Yes! Sugar, to give one example, is an anti-nutrient; it robs the body of essential nutrients such as B vitamins and zinc and it also decreases the ability of your body’s immune system to function. As we age, our body’s ability to properly digest the food we eat decreases. It is recommended that anyone over the age of 55 take nutritional supplements because of this nutritional deficiency.

Nutrition Works
Shaping Health Through Nutritional Expertise

CCN’s Role in Nutrition

Certified Clinical Nutritionists (CCNs) are a growing group of dedicated professionals who hold degrees in science and nutrition. CCNs are required to pass a rigorous examination provided by the Clinical Nutrition Certification Board (CNCB), maintain 40 hours of continuing education every two years, and be re-certified by examination every 5 years.

CCNs offer their services in private practice or in collaboration with other licensed health care professionals who recognize that nutritional dysfunction is at the core of most illnesses today. As educators, researches, and authors, they provide training to professionals, and often enhance community awareness through lectures and other media venues.

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